



Sets the transformation matrix of this texture brush.


GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipSetTextureWrapMode(

    GpTexture *brush,

    GpWrapMode wrapmode


PowerBASIC Syntax

DECLARE FUNCTION GdipSetTextureWrapMode ( _

    BYVAL brush AS DWORD, _

    BYVAL wrapMode AS LONG _





[in] Pointer to the TextureBrush object.


[in] Element of the WrapMode enumeration that specifies how repeated copies of an image are used to tile an area when it is painted with this texture brush.


An area that extends beyond the boundaries of the brush is tiled with repeated copies of the brush. A texture brush may have alternate tiles flipped in a certain direction, as specified by the wrap mode. Flipping has the effect of reversing the brush's image. For example, if the wrap mode is specified as WrapModeTileFlipX, the brush is flipped about a line that is parallel to the y-axis.


The texture brush is always oriented at (0, 0). If the wrap mode is specified as WrapModeClamp, no area outside of the brush is tiled. For example, suppose you create a texture brush, specifying WrapModeClamp as the wrap mode:


hStatus = GdipCreateTexture(pImage, %WrapModeClamp, pTextureBrush)


Then you paint an area with the brush. If the size of the brush has a height of 50 and the painted area is a rectangle with its upper-left corner at (0, 50), you will see no repeated copies of the brush (no tiling).


The default wrap mode for a texture brush is WrapModeTile, which specifies no flipping of the tile and no clamping.



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