WorkingDirectory Property




Assign a working directory to a shortcut, or identifies the working directory used by a shortcut.


PowerBASIC Syntax


PROPERTY GET WorkingDirectory () AS STRING

PROPERTY SET WorkingDirectory(BYVAL bstrWrkDir AS STRING)





BSTR. Directory in which the shortcut starts.


Example [PowerBASIC]




' Creates an instance of the Windows Script Host

LOCAL pWsh AS IWshShell

pWsh = NEWCOM "WScript.Shell"


' Creates a shortcut programatically (if it already exists, CreateShortcut opens it)

LOCAL pLnk AS IWshShortcut

pLnk = pWsh.CreateShortcut(UCODE$(EXE.PATH$ & "Test.lnk"))


' Sets variuos properties and saves them to disk

pLnk.Description = UCODE$("Hello world")

pLnk.WorkingDirectory = UCODE$(EXE.PATH$)

pLnk.Arguments = UCODE$("/c")

pLnk.HotKey = UCODE$("Ctrl+Alt+e")

pLnk.IconLocation = UCODE$(EXE.PATH$ & "PROGRAM.ICO,0")

pLnk.RelativePath = UCODE$(EXE.PATH$)

pLnk.TargetPath = UCODE$(EXE.PATH$ & "EX_WHLNK_CreateShortcut.EXE")

pLnk.WindowStyle = %WshNormalFocus



' Get the parameters to to see if they have changed

STDOUT "Shortcut description: " & ACODE$(pLnk.Description)

STDOUT "Shortcut working directory: " & ACODE$(pLnk.WorkingDirectory)

STDOUT "Shortcut arguments: " & ACODE$(pLnk.Arguments)

STDOUT "Shortcut hot key: " & ACODE$(pLnk.HotKey)

STDOUT "Shortcut icon location: " & ACODE$(pLnk.IconLocation)

STDOUT "Shortcut target path: " & ACODE$(pLnk.TargetPath)

STDOUT "Shortcut window style: " & FORMAT$(pLnk.WindowStyle)


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